My commitment to the west side highway. I ran 6 miles today. It’s slushy out…

It’s hard to commit to anything but since I’m running every day I feel like I need to keep this record… I feel like I need to remember why I run and lately I feel like I forgot.

Zoey – you’re a little over a year now and you’re incredible.  I’ve been wanting to write to you for a while so I figure why not use these few minutes a day to just say some things to you?

I ran 5 miles today on the west side highway.

You’re at daycare every day between 10-5 pm.  I’m going to try and pick you up at 4 because I miss you too much during the day and I feel like I don’t get to see you enough.

I always wished my mom wrote down some stuff for me to read later in life so here it goes:

You look like you’re always thinking.

Zoey Savyon may2011 1

You look great in red.

zos my zos

You’re curious and you know what you want.  You need your space but you love when I kiss you.  I love hugging you so much and you love the feeling of being close which makes me so happy.

Sometimes you just put your cheek down on anything you see and pretend you’re about to fall asleep on it, it’s really cute.

Your hair is wild.  People stop us on the street and say you’re so frekin cute and that your hair is amazing.  You smile at them as if you know.

I’m working my ass off on a script for a pilot these days.  I’ve been creating this fantastical world in my head about a kid who I’d like to see inspire you sometime soon.  I feel guilty for spending time on Allister and time away from you…   I’m torn up about it but something inside me is telling me that if I just put my head down and keep moving forward our lives will be better in the near future.  I won’t have to count vacation days and I won’t have to have a nanny pick you up at daycare and we could travel the world together.  That’s what I want for us as a family… to own our lives and to make decisions based on us not anyone else…

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