Rockstar Runner Blog #1

I run NYC.

I have been running every day (between 5-7 miles per day) in NYC since Sept. 2000.

WOW!! It feels good to say that.

Running is probably one of the only things in my life that I’ve been really disciplined about.  I”m sure it’s because I’m addicted to the runners high i get after running… I have no choice but to pull myself out of bed because i know that about an hour after i start i will be in a better place….

Let me start by saying that I’m not a writer, not an athlete, not certified to really advise anyone on any kind of nutritional advise…Just a chick who runs every single day outside (rain or shine) and LOVES it… and wants to talk about it and hopefully someone will give a shit and read about it and say something back.

It’s been 9 years now so I decided I’d start blogging about my runs. sooo….. here it goes:

I run alone.  i run on the west side highway or FDR.  Depending on where I live (I’ve moved 4 times in NYC).

I tie my nano ipod to my hair and take off from my apt in the west village every single morning around 730 AM.

On weekends I usually run a little later like 9 or 10.  Today I ran at 7.. Go figure… I was the only crackhead out there…

I used to drink coffee before my runs  but lately I’ve been just waking up and going.  I go through many patters… I used to get injured pretty often and i have a strong feeling that my latest stint
has been a result of reading this book called “Born To Run”.  It’s a great book and made me feel slightly less insane.

I have to tell u that most people think I’m insane.  I’ve moved around to a few different apartments in the city and each doorman I’ve ever had has been completely floored by my dedication.  I. personally, don’t feel like it’s a huge deal… But I learned that people love to care about other people’s habits and make comments on them and form opinions.

I know the “doorman reaction pattern” pretty well at this point.  I can predict how it’ll all go down:

The first few times (after moving to a new apt) I gear up for crazy weather conditions and get “the look” from the doorman that basically is saying “You have problems.  Why can’t u just take this day off?”.
I know that look well :)

After a few months of living in an apt they get used to it and just laugh when they see me gear up for a snowstorm run… Or during a really rainy day.  I come back soaking wet and people in the elevator
are like “WTF… this chick is a total train wreck/ how can i be that way?”

I never buy expense running clothes.  I run in crap i find for cheap at Kmart or TJ Max – who cares? There’s no need for real gear.  in fact – all i need is layers.  layers of long sleeve shirts.  I’ve taken off shirts during my runs and left them on the side of the road and forgot to go back for them. That’s another reason why I don’t invest in running clothes.

Running shoes, on the other hand, are important to me.  I run in Mizunos.  I’m not saying that those are the best shoe or anything I’m just saying it works for me.  I’ve been using the same model for years.  I switched to Saucony once and got Planters fasciitis. Runner’s worst nightmare that could EVER EXIST.

Lately i discovered the coolest thing ever.   running sock less.  I also don;t tie my shoe laces tight at all.  I slip my shoes on and off and i always feel my feet swish around in my shoes during a run.  I learned that doing this is not totally crazy after reading “Born to run”.  I swallowed that book in a few days.  It was so great to learn that there is a tribe of people in Mexico who run crazy mileage in sandals and do most of their runs wasted on corn beer.  This makes me want to find them in Mexico and live there.

I love to drink.  Alcohol is amazing.  It’s ALMOST as good as running but not quite.  if i mix the two i can be happy anywhere.

I used to smoke a pack a day.  I would run and smoke when i got home. I miss smoking…. I didn’t quit on purpose.  I quit because my body decided one day to reject cigarettes.  No idea why and how it happened
but it did.

I tried everything.  I tried switching to Marlboro lights, i tried only smoking after eating.  Nothing worked.

My physical makeup decided to re-wire itself and  get nauseous every time i smoked a cigarette.  I started getting dizzy and ill and couldn’t;t even have another drink.  I guess it was my body’s way of saying “time to stop”.  I’m sort of upset about it because when i DID enjoy cigarettes they were awesome.  I still love the smell….

sometimes i run past someone who is smoking and i breath extra deep so that i can get the smell into my lungs and throat.  Sick.

I love eating green things.

I actually feel intoxicated when i eat lettuce, Brussels sprouts, celery, green apples, broccoli, Now you’re probably rolling your eyes and hating me right now.  Who is this bitch and why the EFF does she have to rave about her natural, effortless gravitation towards healthy stuff that bores the shit out of almost every one else?

Well.  Don’t be mad.  Just listen to my stories and you’ll start feeling better pretty soon when u realize how self destructive i tend to get at times…

i believe that we would all be happier if we ran every day.  i also believe that running IS good for u despite all the bullshit people tell u about how running can hurt u and its bad for your knees blah blah blahhhh.  My doctor is awesome.  Dr. Dan is a ultra marathoner, triathaloner-loner runner champion dude unstoppable crazy man.  When i get injured he gets me back on the road as fast as possible and tells
me to keep going.  He’s the bomb.

Here’s what i think: The secret to running forever is to run RIGHT. Not flail around like a tool.

Running right takes time and effort (just like learning to dance) and listening to your body.  I don;t know how to teach anyone how to do it but i do want to share my experiences with anyone who is interested in hearing about them.

I’ll write more tomorrow when i get back from my run :)

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3 thoughts on “Rockstar Runner Blog #1

  1. That is so weird, this started happening to me recently. I have been a pretty heavy smoker for the past 2 years but recently I start to gag when I inhale the cigarettes. I am really pondering if I need to quit or not but I have friends who smoke so it is almost an obligation… I wonder if this is a known condition or something lol

  2. Sounds like a known condition to Kevin and to Meirav 😉 I wish I could tell u how to fight your body rejecting smoke Kev… If i knew how I’d be smoking again myself. I’ll keep u posted if i discover anything. Maybe try replacing the habit with cigars and pot?? What do i know…

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