45 Minutes on the treadmill in the middle of the day…. Who am I kidding? There’s no such thing as day/night anymore…

Side note: I peed 6 times this past hour.

I ran on the treadmill today.  I just hopped on mid-day and ran mostly because I was bored… I hardly slept last night and woke up at 8 am then slept again around 10 am and woke up at noon… I’m just getting by on naps these days… no REM sleep necessary…

I’ve been trying to do the one day “on” one day “off” thing, so that I don’t get too tired from my run… but sometimes I’m just restless and I need to get my blood flowing so I ran today even though I ran yesterday….

I’m so tired right now… it’s almost 9 pm… I met some work people for dinner a few blocks away… and I SO wish I could just pass out now… but I know it won’t happen.  I know I will be up for at least another 4 hours before I find a good position.

Amit’s not home.  This means I get to watch a dumb chick flick which I NEVER get to do when he’s here!

I would do almost anything to sleep on my stomach…

I wonder if I could carve a hole in the bed…

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