45 minutes on a treadmill! I’m not feeling down about it today! I kind of love it :)

Here’s why today’s run was AMAZING.

I went down to the gym in our building and saw this cute chick on the Elliptical machine – amazing tight bod – total inspiration.

Secondly I turned on vh1 and found myself attentively watching a reality show on pregnant women and their husbands while running.  I immediately felt a million times better about my life, my pregnancy, my EVERYTHING.  I mean… EVERYTHING they were worried about seemed retarded.

I’m sorry I know that’s wrong to say – I mean … I get CRAZY sometimes too so I really shouldn’t judge but… I HAD to!!  It was just too easy…

Not to mention – I felt amazing on the treadmill for some strange reason…  I think it was the AC mixed in with the water bottle i pounded throughout my run.  I was fully hydrated throughout and I sweated out a ton of crap… it was great.  I ran and ran and didn’t even stop to stretch for a second until about 30 minutes.. maybe I was just hypnotized by the different drawings the husbands made on their wives bellies and how they complained they never have sex which is ridiculous… everyone knows that sex while you’re pregnant is like an orgasm mixed in with heroin.

I know we have a million things to worry about and I know we’re moving to Brooklyn but I don’t care!  I’m excited about it and I feel retarded for making it such a big deal in the first place.

I also thought about Amit… and how cute he is when he comes back from a run and talks to me about his stride (yes he’s running almost every day now and YES partly inspired by MOI!!) and how cute he is when he wakes me up in the middle of the night (i.e. 11 pm… I’m such a wimp these days…) to say hello and how cute he is when he talks to her in the morning and before we go to bed… and I felt like a silly kid with a crush thinking about him this morning…

I guess there’s some good coming out of these hormonal shifts…

Last night I sang her a bunch of lullabies to sleep and I felt her moving… Amit and I turned a bunch of Shel Silverstein poems into songs and I sang them all to her last night… It felt a little like the beginning of a beginning… kind of like a tradition in the making… and it made me happy :)

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45 minutes on a treadmill at the Sagamore… WTF am i doing?

It’s 100 degrees.

Not ideal running weather for pregnant women.  I’m guessing… so this morning I ran on the treadmill for the first time in… I don’t even know.  Why would I ever OPT to run indoors on a treadmill?

The treadmill sucks.  The heat SUCKS.  The heat, when you’re hosting a predator, SUCKS EVEN MORE.  Getting fatter every time you run sucks EVEN MORE THAN THAT!

UGH!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to hide in a cave.

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I ran 43 minutes listening to my footsteps… Today I’m nervous for a real reason…

So… guess what.  There’s no magical recipe for baking a kid.

No matter how many things u do wrong or right there will always be these things that go wrong and things that go right, not necessarily in direct correlation of course.

My run today was almost like a good hang with a friend before they go away for a long vacation… It was sweet and the weather happened to be perfect.  I ran with no music and just listened to my footsteps.  I wanted to soak in every moment because…

I had a DR appointment yesterday and found out that I might have to stop running soon…

I have this thing called a velamentous cord insertion which basically means my umbilical chord is inserted into this membrane next to the placenta which is not 100% cool.  In a nutshell we are dealing with a not-so-optimum absorption of nutrients in the fetus :(

So basically we are half-fucked, which is the worst kind of fucked you can be because we don’t even know if were really fucked – we could be perfectly fine.  This happens in like 1% of humans.  Awesome.  My dad always said I was unique.

So my doctor decides to tell me that running MIGHT, POSSIBLY be a bad idea.  It could cause my water to break early and that’s just bad news because that could result in blood gushing all over and a giant disaster.  I just threw up in my mouth 4 times.

The chances of that happening at this stage is remote so he gave me the ok to keep running until we do another test to track the growth.  Mostly this is out of our control… One of those things that either hits hard or is totally benign and harmless… I’m thinking of hitting the pool this weekend…

As of now she’s a perfectly sized fetus bouncing all around with a loud heart beat which in my opinion is the best sound I’ve ever heard.

I thought about the sounds of my footsteps today…

I thought about the sound of her heart…

I thought about the butterflies I have in my stomach…

I thought about the first few moment when you’re falling in love… it feels so good you don’t want anything to go wrong… ecstasy mixed with fear…  This is like a whole new level of that… I’m falling in love with someone who isn’t even fully there yet… and the idea of something going wrong just makes me want to cry.  I can’t bare the idea of saying goodbye to someone that I haven’t even met yet…

nevertheless, I know we will be OK.

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I ran 48 minutes in the HOT, HUMID, STICKY park (don’t worry I drank a lot of water)

Sometimes I surprise myself.  Today was a surprise.

I took Monday off after running on both Saturday and Sunday (something I hardly do since I’ve been pregnant) and I woke up this AM thinking I might even need another day off because I’ve been feeling so off lately…

Then I got a coffee… Drank some water… Stretched and thought “Fuck that!” I went out there for what I like to call my “Zen Run”.  These runs happen when I manage to tap into EXACTLY how I’m feeling physically and mentally and I somehow manage to cater my run in that direction seamlessly.  My speed, my choice of music, the muscles I stretch, the route I pick, my stride – they ALL melt together to “fix” what ever is wrong.

I’ve managed to do this a few times when I felt an injury coming on – I’d go out for a run and listen closely to my body to the point where the run itself almost felt like a massage on my legs/joints/aching muscles.

Today it happened out of nowhere.  I felt out of sorts and something inside me took over… A calmness… A sense that everything will be fine.  If we have to move to Brooklyn – we’ll be OK.  If we have to eat out less – we’ll be fine.  If we need to make sacrifices and if I get a little fatter for a minute – I’ll be OK.  It will ALL be OK.  I have what I need in my corner.  My best friend (who I’m building a family with), my music, my stories, my cartoons, and of course my daily runs.  Those are the important things and they don’t cost any money and they will not change if I can help it.

We will be OK.  I know it.

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I ran 48 minutes. So hungry I’m nauseous… Am I eating enough?

The trouble with having had an eating disorder in the past and being pregnant is that no matter how “over it” I think I am, it will always find a way to creep back into my life when I feel like things are a little bit out of control.

I could probably sit here and write out a step by step process of why and how I feel it creeping back into my life because I’m really good at UNDERSTANDING where it comes from.  I know that when I feel panic set in the only way of dealing with it is by denying myself food.  Dealing with it emotionally is an entirely different story.  One I can’t say I’ve mastered quite as well.

The funny thing about this blog is that during the last few months it has been a place for me to vent without worry of opinion and judgment but lately the more I talk to people the more I realize I actually have readers… Which sets my mind in two directions…

First i think I have to sensor what I’m thinking and saying and then I think… wait… maybe there’s someone out there who will actually hear my voice.  in which case… why not be honest? Fully honest….

Where I’m going with all of this is that i know I’m struggling (mentally and physically) to put on this weight.  I know I play it off as if it’s easy and I feel great and I truly am very excited about having this baby but sometimes… deep down I wonder if there’s going to be this moment… this tipping point… when getting BIG is going to really get to me.

I think I’ve been handling it well so far…. I’ve been (carefully) running every day and I’ve been eating healthy food and reading about what I should and shouldn’t eat and taking vitamins and letting myself indulge in cupcakes and ice cream from time to time…  I’m trying to be as lighthearted as I can about it all.

I think that most of the time I actually AM ok.  But from time to time this mind fuck of a disease sneaks back into my brain like a reoccurring nightmare that I’ve tried so hard to bury in the past…

I try to pretend it’s not an issue but when the panic sets in…. its there.  It’s full blown… as if I’m still 85 LBS. and running around eating lettuce and drinking coffee.

This baby means the world to me.  I feel more attached to her than I thought I ever would.  I would die if I hurt her.  It’s weird because when my body was mine and only mine I felt the EXACT opposite.  Self destruction used to equal relief… But now it’s different… now its not about me….

I keep reminding myself that in reality I’m WAY past having this disorder.  It’s over.  I never want to go back there again.  I never want to feel the way I felt when I didn’t eat.  Till this day I’m entirely convinced that being anorexic is the loneliest disease you can ever get lost in.  It forces you to shut out the world because being around people makes you eat, and food is the enemy.

I still remember spending full days in bed after a long run not having eaten anything but a Pure Protein power bar and water… and a few cigarettes of course…  Jesus I came so close to causing permanent damage.  I didn’t get my period for over a year…. I remember my friends and parents looking at me and just knowing they’ve lost me… I remember feeling so far away from them and the entire world and I remember feeling safe in that zone and thinking I liked it so much.  I didn’t want it to change.  I was elated.  I felt more in control of everything than I ever have in my entire life.  I was the ruler of my body, my emotions, and I kept everyone at bay… just far enough to know they couldn’t possibly hurt me.

I had no idea how MISERABLE i was.  Anyone who told me to eat was immediately shut out…

It’s funny how Amit found a way to break through all that without even trying… maybe it was because he never actually told me to eat… he just forced me to be real… he saw through all my bullshit and I had a hard time lying to myself when I was around him…  I remember once he massaged my forehead when I had a migraine.. This was a few years back during this time when I was still struggling every minute of every day to get OUT of it all.  I said “Wow… is this magic?”  I was half kidding but I sort of meant it… He said “It’s love”  Just love…

I remember feeling like I lost my mind but being way too out of it to know what to do about it.  The problem with being so underweight is that it actually effects your brain and so your judgement is shot.  There’s no way to reason with yourself because you’re only half there…

That was where I was.  I’ll never go back there.

This is depressing.  I shouldn’t be feeling down.  I’m past this…  I’m just dealing with the aftermath which can get a little mentally messy from time to time…

writing this made me feel better.  I just needed to get it out….

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Amazing Run… Amazing Morning… I feel amazing… W… T… F….?

Hi my name is Meirav and I have multiple personalities.

I feel great today.  I had a great run.  I love NYC.  I love the park.  I love my job.  I can’t WAIT to find the new apt we have been looking for in DUMBO.  I can’t wait to have this baby.  I’m excited about the future.  I’m excited about today.  And I love my baby (yes… YOU)

I’m joining Citibabes – something I NEVER thought I would say but I’m doing it.  I want to meet new people and be able to relate to them about this experience.

I ran twice around the reservoir and I feel great.  My muscles are relaxed… I feel heavenly…

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Really great run I guess… 43 minutes around the Park… feeling blank…

I have no idea why I even went out there today – I seriously felt like I woke up without even having the faintest memory of what emotions feel like… Last night felt 100 years long… This morning I felt different… Not so sad… Not worried… just blank.  It’s like I’m shutting down or something because I can’t deal with feeling these ups and downs anymore…

I don’t even remember thinking that much during my run… It was more like a mechanical version of going through the motions.  I kept thinking… I’m fine.  I’ll be fine.  I know I’m fine.

I did think for one moment towards the end of my run.  I thought about how I felt so good physically but so shut down mentally… The ultimate dichotomy… and that I bet this is what crazy people feel like.

Crazy people feel pregnant ALL THE TIME.

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Confession: I’m scared

I didn’t run before this post.  It’s not a post about running.

…It’s kind of hard to not have that many people to talk to about this…

See… Most people (my age) who I know don’t have kids… They’re not really interested.  Music biz is HARDLY family oriented…

Don’t get me wrong… my friends are great and my husband is amazing but sometimes I can’t help but feel alone…

Sometimes I miss going out and drinking and forgetting the world… I miss dancing… I miss running without getting tired… I miss feeling sexy… I miss feeling not pregnant… I miss the self serving stuff that feels so good… and I know that if I had a choice to go back and change things… I wouldn’t actually trade them in for what I’m going through now because this really is amazing but there are these moments…. Most of the time they happen when I’m home early because I’m too tired to do anything but I really WISH I wasn’t tired.

I wonder… AM I going to get to be a kid again?  Age is meaningless right? Life is what we make it…. Every moment is what we turn it into…. so being scared and lonely shouldn’t even happen to me now because this is what I want… but… I’m still scared… and I just want to talk to someone about it… Amit’s amazing but I can’t rely on him for this stuff all the time… I get sick of hearing myself complain to one set of ears… Plus I don’t want to be Debbie Downer Preggers chick…

It’s hard to go from being so UN-needy to feeling like I need attention… I’m vulnerable… It’s like someone peeled that layer I have over all my raw emotions that’s there to protect me from being completely exposed.  It’s like someone pulled the blanket off me while I was sleeping in a freezing cold room.  It’s like being naked… ALL THE TIME.  Tears are just so easy to come by these days… I could even cry now if I want to.

I’m crying.

I hate that… I want to just be tough and not care… I want to go out and party till 3 and not give a fuck about anything but myself… I think…. or… Do i?

I don’t know… I guess I just feel a little lonely tonight… Amit’s out with friends and I swear I would do ANYTHING for one night of drinking with my friends… but I don’t think i even REALLY want that so badly… and I feel stupid for feeling lonely so there you go. I’m stupid and lonely and if i keep crying I’ll have puffy eyes too.

Stupid… lonely… puffy me…

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Ran 44 minutes in the park. Its humid and drizzly… EWWWW…

So I did the late run again today and the actual run was perfect – felt great.

The only problem with doing this is that BEFORE the run (during the day) I feel off… I hate that feeling… But what else can I do?  When I woke up this AM – I  literally could NOT go out there… Felt stiff… Tired… nauseous… I felt like going out there would only hurt me…  This gross feeling lasted a few hours then kind of went away… But not really…

Now I’m just tired… I have one last meeting and then I’m going straight to bed…

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Ran 50 minutes in Central Park. I’m so sick of this EFFIN park…

Let me start by saying my run was amazing this AM.  Besides the fact that I’m tight all over I feel great.  I’m trying to stretch a little less (as per Dr. Dan Geller) and I’m trying to stop for water as much as possible because its getting pretty hot out there…

I’m totally grossed out by the public water fountains… Who the eff knows what happens in them….

Every time I sip from one of those fountains I think about dehydration vs. Gross germs… Good times.

Side note: The bigger I get the less my body can tolerate junk food.  It makes me feel so slow and sluggish.  If I’m ever in the mood for ice cream or chocolate I have like… a 1/4 of a serving just to satisfy my taste buds.  So much for getting to stuff my face for 9 months…

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